Genre: Adventure, Dark Fantasy
Engine: TGA2D (TGA's 2D engine)
Project Time: 14 Weeks, 50%
Team Size: 14
My Contributions
Player Movement & Combat
Me and a fellow programmer worked closely on the development of the player. Taking inspiration from our reference game "Hyper Light Drifter", for our melee combat the player can dish out up to three hit combo before having a short cool down. A ranged projectile based attack and lastly a dash to avoid enemies and to cross hazardous areas.
Enemy Wave System
Before the player gets a new ability they have to first earn it by fighting their way through waves of enemies. I made a system that gathered data from entities in a level editor called "LDTK", that would trigger an event and then consecutively spawn waves of enemies. You could add any number of waves and enemies for each wave. Every enemy you uses a spawn location and choose a type. Optionally you could add a timer to delay the spawn in case you wanted a wave to spawn enemies continuously.
Fast Travel
With the map in the game being so large with collectibles scattered around, we needed a way to travel back and forth to key areas around the world.
And so i made a fast traveling system that allowed you to teleport to discovered way points. It also kept track of your current location on the map.
Using a level editor named "LDTK", i made it so the level designers could place out each way point around the world.
If i had to make any changes then i would definitely change the way you navigate through the map. Using the keys to go left and right felt too restrictive, so i would instead change it so that you use your mouse instead.
If you approach an NPC an exclamation mark will pop up above them, and when interacted a sprite will fade in. A nice and simple way to teach the player the mechanics and give out tidbits of the story.